Then it was off to the Chicago Public Library, which to our dismay is no longer a library, but instead some kind of art gallery for people with no discerning artistic skills. Our mocking antics of the “Art” here nearly got us kicked out. Not to mention the bull riding episode…
Across the street is Millennium Park where the iconic “Bean” is located. The official name for this massive sculpture is the Cloudgate. However, don’t bother referring to it as such. No one will know what you are talking about.
And finally in an homage to Ferris Bueller, we visited one of his old stomping grounds, The Art Institute of Chicago. What started out as a lark, ended up being a serious endeavor. This is the best museum in the world as far as I am concerned. I like it better than the National Gallery in DC or even the Louvre in Paris. So many different kinds of art displayed here. All of them fascinating and beautiful in their own way. It’s huge, but easy to navigate. All the docents are incredibly knowledgeable and the array of art is unbelievable.
Of course I am old school and was completely enamored by the Impressionist Masters. Paige, however, really loved the Surrealism exhibits. We wandered around aimlessly at times together and sometimes alone just taking it all in and having a truly lovely day.
This place is literally beneath a freeway overpass. We were too scared to go at night so that’s why we are eating these for breakfast.
Totally worth it though.
Yes, the relish is that intensely green. Don’t ask me why. And ketchup is not allowed.
Different flavored salts for your fries. We had way too much fun with this display, laughing and laughing.
Disguised as a Library but No!
Instead we get this….
And this…Target Practice maybe?
Guess which is the Art, and which is my daughter.
Riding the Bull to Subway or until the police comes.
However, it is actually very beautiful inside with delicious Architectural details.
The Bean is a sculpture made of mercury glass that reflects the Chicago skyline and the clouds above. It’s enormous and shiny.
Had to take some selfies of course.
Walking in Ferris’s footsteps…Seurat’s “Sunday in the Park” is also enormous, and more beautiful in person than any picture can depict.
And this guy…takes your breath away.
This guy…not so much.
Chillin’ with Van Gogh at the Night Cafe.
And not to be outdone is Monsieur Marc Chagall.Heather Elder Howes, does this remind you of the Tiffany stained glass in our little Winter Park museum?
We walked everywhere today. Chicago was freezing but pretty in its own way. Notice the ice in the river.