
So Paige’s boarding school is closed for the Winter Weekend, and I flew back for a highly anticipated Mother/Daughter reunion. We are spending the weekend in the Windy City, and that nickname is no joke. Chicago is bitterly cold in February. So cold that we kept our parkas on even inside the restaurant. If I could have managed to eat with my gloves on, I would have done so.

First order of business was Chicago’s famous Deep Dish Pizza at the infamous Giordano’s. We walked 5 blocks in the biting cold nearly succumbing to frostbite and hypothermia…and had big expectations.

We were not disappointed. We ordered a Small, which actually turns out to be a 46 pound pie that looks like a pizza casserole. The menu says it feeds 2, but I think they should add “for 7 weeks” just to be accurate. – Brian Murphy, you would have loved it.

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Image may contain: 3 people, food and indoor


Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, indoor