
So for Christmas this year, the Murphys are traveling to the Far East, and our first stop is Singapore!

Our first impression of Singapore is one of tropical lushness, pristine cleanliness, and a humidity level comparable to Florida. The temperature here is balmy but pleasant ranging from 80-95 degrees.

Even though the flight itself is only 7 hours, our entire trip counting layovers, customs, passport control etc. was a grueling 12 hours. Thus, our first day on the ground was spent recovering from jet lag and enjoying our resort hotel and of course, room service.

When it comes to food, I admit I suffer from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). As a result, I tend to order embarrassingly large amounts of food every time we eat. So even though on Day 1, we never left the hotel, I have already tried 3 of the “Top 10 Foods” not to miss in Singapore. My husband had a club sandwich.

It was so wonderful to be greeted by this Huge Christmas display as we landed.

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Even though Singapore is a small island that has a very large Muslim population, the country is very progressive and seems to appreciate some pretty risqué art.


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Everywhere are larger than life statues of human forms in various states of undress. This is from our hotel lobby.


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Look! An ATM that dispenses gold bullions.


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The fabulous hotel pool that we could not get enough of. This is the view from our balcony.


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And the same view at night, which is even more spectacular than during the daytime.


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Black Pepper Crab – a specialty of Singapore.


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And some crazy weird desserts. Brian would not touch this, but it was actually quite good.